About Us
We Always on the way to synchronize between Nature, Culture, Economy and Technique
Parth Thakkar graduated from The Indian Institute of Architects, working with 3 senior architects since early ninties simultaneously started his own practice in 2006 with the banner of Designers’ Workshop. Since now completed about more than 200 projects. Designers’ Workshop creates the values in reality projects with balance in various design aspects and disciplined analysis of issues like ecology, laws, humanity as utilitarian, economy and aesthetics. We go through continues process rather than mere database to create legacy projects for specific needs and well being of our planet in general.
Designers’ Workshop is well experienced in designing for the hot and dry climate of western India. We face the severe climate, scarce resources like water and energy, unplanned land use pattern; immoral implementation of laws, tight reign of economy and needs of bigger fruit; counteracts to creative solutions. These challenges sharpen our experiences to address any adversary and any region.